

Saturday 28 January 2012

Its Groundhog Day

Many Canadians take the time to observe Groundhog Day on February 2 each year, Groundhog Day in Canada focuses on the concept of a groundhog coming out of its home in mid-winter to “predict” if spring is on its way in the northern hemisphere.

Many Canadians celebrate Groundhog Day by attending festivals, engaging in activities and reading or listening to news about groundhog appearances on February 2. Some Christian churches celebrate Candlemas on this day. Other people mark Groundhog Day as the date to take down their Christmas decorations.
Groundhog Day is not a public holiday in Canada. However areas around parks and some streets may be busy or congested in towns, such as Wiarton, where Groundhog Day events are popular.

Movies, advertisements, cartoons and other media have portrayed the legendary role of the groundhog in popular culture. The term “Groundhog Day” is a phrase that is sometimes used to express if the same events or actions occur repetitively for a period of time.

 According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, it will leave the burrow, signifying that winter-like weather will soon end. If it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.

Here in Edmonton:

Beyond the Shadow of Doubt, It’s Groundhog Day at City Hall Market

January 27, 2012
Groundhog Day is coming early this year at the Downtown Market at City Hall with the help of the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Poet Laureate Anna Marie Sewell.
Sewell and four other Edmonton poets will present odes to the mighty groundhog during the indoor market. Edmontonians are encouraged to participate by bringing in their own poems to add to the Poem Catcher at City Hall.
Date: Saturday January 28, 2012
Time: Downtown City market is open from 10am-3pm with the readings starting at noon
Location: City Hall, 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Admission: Free
A larger than life balloon groundhog will be on display and smaller balloon groundhogs will be available for kids to take home.
The Downtown Market at City Hall happens every Saturday until May 12 and then it returns to 104 Street for the outdoor season. The indoor market boasts a variety of local producers, artisans and vendors.

Groundhog Day is the name of classic movie staring Bill Murray. If you have nothing to do that night, why not check out this movie?

Groundhog Day is one of my favorite non-holidays. Enjoy it here at Alberta Place Suite Hotel.

Shelly R Ladouceur

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